What to Feed Baby Kittens That Are 1 Week Old

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Ideally, kittens should stay nigh and nurse from their mother cat for upwardly to eight weeks prior to beingness separated and/or adopted. In the example of a rescue, death of the natural mother, or when circumstances cause cat mothers to reject one or more of her litter, human intervention is necessary. There are many things to consider if you find yourself needing to feed a newborn kitten. Careful consideration and training will make bottle feeding a kitten a soothing and comfortable experience, and help upshot in a happy, healthy pet.

  1. ane

    Endeavor to discover a nursing mother feline (queen). Consult with local veterinarians and shelters to discover out if there is a nursing mother cat who may be able to take on the kitten. Mother's milk is all-time for any baby mammal, and prior to attempting to canteen feed a kitten with supplemental formulas, it is recommended to seek out nursing cat that could accept the place of the absent-minded or unable mother.[1]

    • Be aware that even if you find a cat able to nurse the young kitten, she may non accept the kitten. Always remain present when the nursing cat interacts with your kitten; there is a risk that a queen might try to murder a kitten that she rejects.
    • If you are lucky enough to discover a foster female parent, attempt to disguise the smell of the new kitten. Try stroking the foster mother's own kittens and then stroke your own kitten. This will assistance transfer the smell of the mother's own litter to your newborn kitten. A queen (the true cat) is more than likely to reject the kitten if information technology smells totally unfamiliar, then by "disguising" your kitten's odour, yous're increasing the chance the queen volition accept her.
  2. two

    Go milk. A newborn kitten can only assimilate milk, and more specifically the milk from a female cat. Feeding the wrong sort of milk, such as cow's milk, tin have short-term and long-term furnishings, including diarrhea, aridity, nutritional deficiencies and long-term health problems due to poor growth. You lot can purchase kitten milk replacement formula (KMR) at your local pet nutrient store, vet'southward role, and fifty-fifty online. Reputable brands in the U.s. include Cimicat and Simply Born kitten milk, but you can also consult your local vet for advice on a formula that he or she recommends and that is bachelor where you alive.[2]

    • Kitten milk replacement milk comes in a tub or drum and is a dry pulverisation or liquid. You use it in much the same way yous use infant formula, in that you follow the directions on the packaging which guides you as to how many scoops to use to how much water.
    • Be aware that milk sold in cartons as "cat milk" is NOT suitable. This is moo-cow'due south milk with the lactose removed and is designed to make bovine milk accessible to adult cats (to fulfill our need to feed them milk, rather than any physiological need of the cats themselves.) It is not suitable for utilize in kittens.


  3. iii

    Take a backup plan if y'all can't have replacement milk right abroad. The ideal milk is to use replacement queen's milk. If you do not accept whatsoever, then apply boiled h2o to feed the kitten and buy some replacement milk immediately. If the kitten seems very hungry, then you lot can add one teaspoon of glucose powder to i cup of boiled water. Even so, yous should only do for one feeding. Do not repeat.[3]

    • Another culling equally a finish gap until yous can go some replacement milk is to use rice water, meaning the h2o that yous cook rice in. Cook some white rice in water and strain off the liquid. This has a little starch (free energy) in information technology and is not-laxative, and can exist a temporary solution.
    • Giving water in the interim will stop the kitten getting dehydrated, and is a better compromise than feeding something (similar moo-cow'south milk) which could upset her breadbasket and make her ill.
  4. 4

    Program your time. Think that the younger the kitten, the higher the kitten's metabolism and the more often she needs to be fed (due to her tiny stomach). This means that you, or someone else in your household or a friend or neighbour, needs to be around all day until the kitten is quondam enough to brainstorm switching over to solids.

    • A newborn kitten, technically a kitten under ii weeks of age, needs feeding attention day and night until she is quondam enough to begin the process of switching to solids.
  5. five

    Know that you can wean an orphan kitten early. Weaning means to get the kitten off milk and introduce solids slowly. You lot tin do this once the kitten reaches four weeks of age, when your kitten is no longer a newborn. You tin tell when your kitten is no longer a newborn and is ready to be weaned and be fed solids when she starts bitter at the nipple of the bottle.[4]

    • To wean your kitten from milk, place a modest amount of food in her dish. If she doesn't seem set or willing to eat it, you lot can add together a few tablespoons of milk replacement formula or water to soften the food and encourage her interest. Make sure to always accept solid nutrient out so that your kitten can approach it when she feels ready and wants to. Over time, reduce the amount of milk you offer every bit yous increase the amount of solids.
    • Near kittens can handle a nutrition of solids past 7 weeks of age.
    • A kitten aged between six to 10 weeks old needs to exist fed six to eight meals a day, while a kitten aged 10 weeks to six or seven months needs four meals a day and a kitten up to nine months needs three meals a day. Note that it's not until adulthood that ii meals a solar day for a cat is acceptable.


  1. 1

    Assemble equipment. To feed your newborn kitten you lot volition need some sort of feeding device. If possible, you should utilize bottle and teat set specifically designed for apply with kittens, such as the Catac canteen and teat set. The bottle itself is very modest, and it has an open up stop at the summit so the you can identify a thumb over it to control the flow of milk if it is dripping likewise fast from the teat and overwhelming the kitten. The teat is long and narrow, which is ideal to fit inside the mouth of a newborn kitten. This allows the kitten to suckle, as if from her female parent.

    • If you exercise not take a feeding gear up, then the side by side best option is a syringe, which you lot tin use to drip the milk into the kitten's mouth. All the same, the kitten cannot suckle from a syringe, so endeavour and buy a feeder at the primeval opportunity.
  2. two

    Sterilize the equipment. Information technology is crucial to continue all your equipment sterile. Only washing everything is insufficient. Consider using a steam sterilizer (as for a baby'south bottles) or immerse the equipment in a dilution of Milton sterilizing fluid in a basin.[5]

    • You tin can purchase Milton sterilizing fluid from drug stores, usually observe in the baby alley. Follow the directions on the packaging. If you do opt to sterilize your cat feeding equipment with the Milton fluid, be sure to rinse everything off with boiled h2o prior to utilise in guild to wash abroad any residuum of the sterilizing solution.
  3. three

    Make and estrus the milk. If using liquid formula, open the can and measure the required corporeality co-ordinate to the packaging. If using powder formula, follow the directions on the packaging regarding how many scoops and how much h2o to use. Always follow the directions closely considering too concentrated a milk could crusade stomach upset, while too strong a milk lacks diet for your kitten.

    • Ever brand the milk up fresh for each feed. The milk does non comprise preservatives and newborn kittens take weak immune systems, so any bacterial contamination of milk that stands around could be disastrous for the kitten's health.
    • Do not put the formula in the microwave; this volition cause bubbling of very hot or very cold formula to course in the canteen. Instead, put the formula in a container and put that into the hot water.
    • Make certain the milk is at the correct temperature - neither cold nor hot. Ideally, the milk should be at body temperature, so when you place a few drops of it onto the back of your hand, it feels most the same temperature equally your skin. If it is too hot, the milk could burn down your kitten'south mouth.
  4. 4

    Check your kitten's body temperature. When you are gear up to feed the kitten, make certain she is warm. To some degree, a kitten's rate of digestion depends on her temperature. If she is cool, her digestion is sluggish and the milk will sit in her stomach and ferment. Newborns usually snuggle close to mum and tend to run quite hot. The ideal temperature is 96–100 °F (35.half dozen–37.eight °C) for the first 3 weeks of life.[half dozen]

    • Endeavor to keep your kitten at this temperature by using a rut pad underneath a well insulated nest. If you don't accept a heat pad, then use a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel to forestall direct contact with the hot canteen which could crusade burns. Replenish the hot water bottle as often every bit needed to keep it warm.[seven]
  5. 5

    Feed the kitten. Sit in a comfy chair with a towel folded on your lap. Position the kitten similarly to the way he would nurse from his mother, with her head direct, feet down, and stomach resting. When attempting to feed your kitten for the first time, go a drip of milk on the stop of the syringe or teat. Hold it very close to the kitten's mouth. Her sense of aroma is stiff, and she will likely aroma the milk and try put her mouth against it.[viii]

    • If using a teat, at this bespeak give her a bit of help by wriggling the teat into her open mouth. Nature should then take over and she starts to suck.
    • If using a syringe, gently press on the plunger to release a drop into her mouth. Permit her swallow between drops. Never flood her oral cavity with milk as she may well breath the milk, get milk in the lungs and develop pneumonia, which is commonly fatal in young kittens. Just take your fourth dimension and go slowly.[ix]
    • The kitten's posture is very important. Never feed a kitten on her back similar a man baby and always brand certain certain the kitten is resting on something when feeding. Make sure that the caput is not raised as this could cause aspiration, the inhaling of formula into the lungs, which is serious and tin fifty-fifty exist fatal.[x]
  6. 6

    Feed the correct amount. [11] Cimicat and other KMRs come up with a guide to how much to feed and how often on the pack. Follow the instructions on the parcel. Here are some full general guidelines about how much to feed your kitten in the showtime few weeks of her life and how frequently:[12] .

    • 1 to three days: 2.v milliliters (0.08  fl oz) of KMR every two hours
    • Four to seven days: five milliliters (0.17  fl oz) of KMR 10 to 12 feeds a twenty-four hour period
    • Half dozen to 10 days: 5 to 7.5 milliliters (0.17 to 0.25  fl oz) KMR 10 feeds a solar day
    • 11 to 14 days: x to 12.5 milliliters (0.34 to 0.42  fl oz) KMR every 3 hours
    • 15 to 21 days: 10 milliliters (0.34  fl oz) eight times daily
    • 21 days and beyond: vii.5 to 25 milliliters (0.3 to 0.8  fl oz), 3 to iv times daily, in improver to introducing solid food
    • There are also calculators online that tin can assistance you effigy out how much to feed your kitten.[xiii]
  7. 7

    Watch for signals. When learning how and practicing to canteen feed a kitten, go on in mind that overfeeding or feeding improperly can cause problems with respiration. Notice your kitten during feedings to ensure that no milk is coming through the nose or the tummy does non feel distended.

    • In terms of quantity, if y'all have a greedy kitten and she keeps sucking fifty-fifty though she'south exceeded the recommended amount, look at her tummy. If her abdomen is tight and distended, and then finish feeding. This is a sign that her breadbasket is full but that she just hasn't realized information technology yet. Do not overfeed.[14]
    • If your kitten takes less than the recommended amount, don't panic. This may be the kitten's individual preference. If y'all are worried she hasn't taken enough, rather than push her to take more and gamble flooding her lungs, stop, let her rest and endeavor again an hour or so later. [15]
  8. viii

    Remain calm and relaxed. It is important to remain patient and calm while canteen feeding a kitten to ensure that the kitten is at ease. In addition, allow the kitten to take his time while canteen feeding to avoid overeating or problems with digestion.

    • Encourage and stimulate burping past holding the kitten with his dorsum resting against your trunk and gently rubbing his stomach. In the queen and kitten relationship, the mother will groom the kitten to help him laissez passer wind and stools. Don't exist surprised past either result – it'south a good sign![16]
  9. 9

    Clean your kitten'southward bottom. Immediately after each feed the mother cat licks her kittens' anus and genital areas, to encourage them to urinate and defecate. The mother actually laps up their excretions, which is nature'due south way of avoiding a soiled nest which could attract predators. Without the mother, all the same, you lot need to footstep in. Use damp cotton wool and wipe information technology over the anal area in a licking motility. As the kitten relieves herself, wipe it abroad with the cotton fiber. Finish with a clean piece of cotton wool to clean upward her bottom, and and so you are done until the next feed.[17] [18]

    • This is an of import step in feeding your kitten successfully. If you do not mimic the mother'south stimulation of her kitten's elimination, your kitten volition not empty her float and bowels and can get very ill.
  10. ten

    Return the kitten to her warm bed or box to remainder. Continue with the regular feeding schedule every day for the coming weeks until weaning onto solids is appropriate. At this time, speak to your vet nearly an advisable weaning nutrition.

    • Add solid foods such every bit soft, canned foods and hard foods to the nutrition when the kitten is around four weeks onetime. Some kittens will canteen feed for upwardly to eight weeks and this progress should be communicated with a veterinary professional.


Add together New Question

  • Question

    Can a newborn kitten beverage regular milk?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion fauna practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a caste in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same fauna dispensary in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    No, regular milk is liable to give newborn kittens diarrhea. This can cause the kittens to lose fluid so the milk will do more impairment than adept.

  • Question

    How do yous have care of newborn kittens?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animate being do. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinarian medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same fauna clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Adept Answer

    Keeping newborns warm is crucial—they should exist about 85-90 degrees F. Any cooler than this and they can't assimilate their milk. Feed kitten milk replacer every couple of hours, and afterward each meal wipe their rear with damp cotton wool to assist them urinate and defecate.

  • Question

    How many mL practice yous feed a newborn kitten?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinarian surgery and companion fauna practice. She graduated from the Academy of Glasgow in 1987 with a caste in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over twenty years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Good Answer

    To meet their calorie needs, a newborn requires effectually 14-fifteen mL of kitten replacement milk per day. This should be divided up into small, regular feeds. For example, 8 feeds daily of merely under 2 mL.

  • Question

    The mother cat keeps leaving her five-mean solar day-old kittens at dark. Should I exit them alone, or start feeding them?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the Academy of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same brute dispensary in her hometown for over xx years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Proficient Answer

    If the kittens are feeding well during the solar day, are growing, and seem content, and so leave the nest alone. The female parent will exit for short periods of time in order to find food for herself and get to the toilet. Earlier she goes, she'll most probable feed her kittens and settle them down for a long sleep. A nest full of warm sleepy kittens is only fine to leave lonely. Signs of distress from the kittens include them crying, moving effectually a lot, or feeling common cold to the affect. In this instance, start make sure they are warm, and simply consider feeding them if this doesn't work.

  • Question

    I'thousand caring for an abandoned week-old kitten. I was giving him human formula, simply now his tummy is very large. What should I do?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinary with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal do. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the aforementioned animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    Newborn kittens rely on their mother licking their bottom in guild to stimulate going to the toilet. If you haven't been wiping his rear with clammy cotton wool wool afterwards each feed, then he may well have a belly full of feces. Switch over to kitten replacement milk and start wiping his bottom. If the swelling does not subside, see a vet.

  • Question

    Is it OK to feed a kitten born yesterday on baby'south milk?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal exercise. She graduated from the Academy of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the aforementioned fauna dispensary in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Skilful Answer

    No, unfortunately it has the wrong balance of nutrients. In the curt-term this is probable to cause diarrhea, leading to aridity which could well prove fatal. In the long-term, even if the kitten didn't develop diarrhea, baby formula is incorrectly balanced and the kitten will develop nutritional deficiencies. Almost vet clinics stock KMR, or failing that, society some from the internet and employ one of the suggestions in this article every bit a stop gap.

  • Question

    Where tin I become these things from?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of feel in veterinary surgery and companion creature practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a caste in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal dispensary in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Practiced Respond

    A vet clinic is almost guaranteed to stock KMR, plus the bottles and tiny teats necessary to feed the kitten. If y'all accept an emergency clinic nearby that is open up 24/7, give them a phone call. Alternatively, contact a rescue shelter, who may exist able to spare a small amount of KMR powder to make upwardly whilst you source some from elsewhere. Many pet stores carry supplies necessary to heighten a newborn, and declining that try the cyberspace. If you have a pregnant cat information technology is a skillful thought to programme alee and order some, just to be on the safety side.

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  • Counterbalance your kitten every 24-hour interval for the first two weeks. You lot can use a food calibration, but be sure to comprehend it with a clean cloth or rag. Your kitten should gain virtually half an ounce every day in these first two weeks. Keep careful rail of weight gain or loss over the course of feeding and consult with a vet if the kitten is losing or gaining weight besides rapidly.[19]

  • It'south all-time to exit kittens to their mother until they are at least half-dozen weeks old, although eight to 10 weeks is fifty-fifty kinder. Breeders recommend waiting until a kitten is 12 weeks old before finding it a new domicile. In that location tin be complications from orphaning a kitten; kittens may get unsociable, develop wellness problems, and their overall development and well-beingness tin be adversely affected.[20]

  • Consult a veterinary if the kitten won't eat at all equally this could be a sign of sickness.


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Article Summary 10

To feed a newborn kitten, kickoff past purchasing a kitten milk replacement formula at your local pet store. Next, use a canteen and teat set specifically designed for kittens, or employ a syringe to drip the milk into your kitten's mouth. And then, observe the kitten equally you're feeding it, and brand sure that no milk comes out of its nose. Additionally, finish the feeding session if your kitten's tum becomes tight and distended. For more tips from our Veterinary co-author, like how much and how often to feed your kitten, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Feed-a-Newborn-Kitten

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